
My poetics are that of dust. I try to capture what gathers in dark corners, what creeps up on untouched truths, what is swept away carelessly or meticulously, what children draw into as a game, and most importantly, what will return no matter what. 

My writing aims to create new worlds for my readers to enter. Language ebbing beyond the constraints of reality while holding this present world, in all of its discomforts, between its knuckles. And I shall become researcher and artist, carving my poems around those intricacies.  

My poetry is a marriage between my identity as a Sikh and my identity as an artist. This union cannot exist without both of these communities supporting me. Additionally, I cannot be a Sikh if I am not a poet and I cannot be a poet if I am not a Sikh. I grew up being terrified of forgetting. So now, I write into that anxiety with the urgency of someone who is about to forget their entire life. 

I received my MFA in Creative Writing at Rutgers-Newark in 20222. I currently teach first-year writing at Rutgers-Newark and The New School.